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Review: Will BF / Moon Team IIIV

Amy Anderson

A show that puts the silly and surreal into science-fiction cinema

In space, no-one can hear you laugh but fortunately Will BF’s “Moon Team IIIV” is being performed in Croydon, so the amusement in the jokes can be shared as they fall thick and fast like a joyful meteor shower.

An affectionate parody of science fiction cinematic franchises, the passion they inspire in their fans, and the dodgy special effects they employ, Will BF’s solo show blends the screening of a mockumentary about the story behind the fictional “Moon Team” sequel with on-stage sketches showing scenes from the film. It’s a panned sequel which, as one character puts it when discussing its back story: “Brace yourself for a massive Number Two.”

Will BF plays a wonderfully surreal collection of characters – from the film director with a nonsense name to a singing goldfish having an existential crisis – and they are seamlessly brought together in an engaging and visually interesting way, while making a comedic feature of the low-budget multi-media staging.

He looks like he’s having the time of his life, laughing with us as he charismatically and energetically bounds around the stage and on-screen in different costumes and various situations of silliness, and the audience gladly joins his orbit.

Poking fun at science fiction films isn’t new but this format and Will BF’s puns, one-liners and slapstick physical comedy combine to bring a fresh originality to the theme.

Some of the jokes need a bit of work but too much fun is being had to mind, and there’s hardly a pause before the audience is laughing enthusiastically at the next one.

“Moon Team IIIV” could benefit from a polish of its material in places – but not too much or it will lose its handmade charm. No equivalent of CGI special effects is needed here and it’s all the better for it.



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